Climate, Atmospheric Science & Physical Oceanography
- Climate variability and water resources in the western US and similar regions around the world
- Past, present, and future characteristics and impacts of synoptic-to-mesoscale atmospheric features producing extreme precipitation
- Meteorological drivers of landslides and debris flows
- Science literacy and communication of weather, climate, and climate change information
- Usability of imagery and web-based applications providing weather and climate information
- PhD, Atmospheric Science, University of Nevada, Reno
- M.S., Atmospheric Science, University of Nevada, Reno
- 翻墙也要用的应用 Google Drive全攻略_科技滚动_中国广播网:2021-5-3 · Google推出云存储服务Google Drive之后,Google的老用户伞就开始纷纷申请试用,而随服务一同发布的Google Drive安卓客户端,在当天的下载量就突破了500万。 虽然Google Drive还是有不少地方为用户所诟病,但是大量的老用户和独特的功能服务还是为其赚到了不少的人气。
- B.A., Geography, UC Santa Barbara